Monday, November 9, 2009

Art and Your Child

Art and Your Child

Research has consistently shown that arts in education are fundamental to children's emotional and intellectual growth.
The Visual arts, it has been shown, improve children's content and organization of their writing; promote sophisticated reading skills and interpretation of text, and improves their reasoning about scientific images and reading preparedness.

An all around- education in the arts (dance, drama, visual arts, music etc.) Helps children learn to read, and their verbal and math skills. It has been shown also that arts in education improves children's ability to collaborate and to develop critical thinking skills.
"Notions that the arts are frivolous add-ons to a serious curriculum couldn't be further from the truth," says James Cantrell, education professor at the University of California-Los Angeles.

Schools often complain that arts programs tend to be the first cut in schools facing budget deficits. In the current financial climate, the arts in education will certainly be dealt a blow.
Bring the Arts into The Home
Parents can and should augment their children's exposure to the arts at home.
Please visit us at We can help parents fill a child's room with inspiring visual magic -- that contains a message of responsibility to the planet and the many wonderful creatures with whom we all share the earth.

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