Charity and Children
At this time of year, when the whole world seems to be worshiping at the alter of consumerism, is there any way to salvage the season and teach our children about charity: the fundamental heart of this season? deirdre's dolphins
There are many opportunities that this season presents to start our children down the path of philanthropy and charitable giving. And it is pretty easy. Some ideas:
1) Have an Annual Clean-Up & Give-a-Thon. Children grow up and out of clothes and toys at lightening speed. How about each year, at the start of December, we roll up our sleeves and fill a big box of toys and games and (gently warn) clothes to donate to a local charity. All those goodies your little one has outgrown are sure to make another child as happy as pie.
2) Have a Holiday Card- Craft Afternoon,: lets call it directed doodling...turn off the video or TV, pull out the coloring pencils, crayons or markers and some simple coloring paper. On-line you can identify a number of children's welfare organizations in your community or in the country, write down their addresses and buy some standard size card envelopes (any craft store will have them). Explain to your little one that you and s/he are going to send some holiday cheer to people you don't even know. Why? Because we can, its fun, and it will make them feel loved and happy as we do in our homes and families at this time of year.
3) Bake for a Cause: take one afternoon of holiday baking and spread the joy beyond the cozy warmth of your family. Most charities have holiday food drives and bake-sales or simply holiday meals for homeless families or indigent people. Call a few and ask what their policies are. Make a couple of boxes of home-baked yum and share them with others.
There are so many opportunities at this time of year, to teach our kids about the wider world and their vital role in it's progress. We love our families so much, and want to give them everything, but sometimes reflection is a very important gift...and if each year, at this time, we can help our little ones reflect on who they are in the larger world-- that seems to be the best present we could ever give them.
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