Friday, January 1, 2010

"Nurture the World that Nurtures Us"

"Nurture the World that Nurtures Us"

The message is "NURTURE" for 2010 and for always. To watch animals, in our homes, in our gardens and parks is to see what is fundamental to all of us: nurturing is the key to our survival.

What does it mean to nurture? It can mean nudging a young chick from the nest when the time has come for her to fly; carrying a fuzzy young Koala cub around on one's back for the first months of life, reading a much loved bedtime story for the 160th time.

We are all a part of this incredible system of life on the planet. We all have had the privilege to be born- to come into the world a helpless bundle of cells, and to learn and grow and breathe the air. When its our turn, we must "Nurture the World that Nurtures Us."

I was driving to the barn last week and flipping through the radio as I am apt to do just starting out on the Palisades off the GWB. It was a Sunday morning. Some few words of what sounded like
a really interesting lecture caught my attention, so I paused. I soon realized it was a sermon for mass at All Souls Unitarian Church on 80th and Lexington in Manhattan. I forgot the pastor's name, but he was amazing. I think he used a metaphor about jumping a 4 foot oxer (which caught my attention) and I kept listening.

What has held fast in my head (other then the oxer) was his urging statement that we must nurture the world that nurtures us. YES! this is what Lillunia is all about: nurturing the world that nurtures us!

For us this means our families-- growing our children's minds, imagination and curiosity; it means loving and caring for the animals we share our homes and our lived with; and it means caring for and participating in the health of the people and animals with whom we share our world.

This certainly seems like a lot of "nurturing" to do...but that is exactly what we do. We protect and teach and feed and love and help and give-- that is why we, and all of the other animals on the earth are still here doing what we do for the next generation. This is the essence of life.

Love it. Own it. Be a part of this world in the biggest way possible.


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