Monday, June 7, 2010

Why We Do What We Do

I know it is fashionable and popular to be "green" these days; and I think a lot of companies have jumped on the eco-bandwagon because they know doing so broadens their market. Good- at a certain point- who cares WHY companies "go-green" so long as they really do.

As consumers become more educated and conscious about the every day decisions we make for ourselves, for our families and ultimately for EVERY family on the planet, we start to see that all changes matter. Our actions have consequences far beyond our small worlds.

What the BP catastrophe has taught us (and that is what it is, as we will be feeling its effects for 20 years directly and who knows how long for residual damage we cannot directly link) is that we are all absolutely connected. Nobody can say "that doesn't effect me" "that is happening to them."

The greater our technologies become, the more interwoven our economies, the smaller the gaps between cultures and nations and people and animals. The facts is both profound and very simple: we are all in this together. We are all responsible for what happens to each other.

There are so many lessons we can teach our children from what we have seen so far and what we all will experience from the tragedy in the gulf. Don't shelter them from this, there are ways to make it less scary but still real and important to them. This is now their problem too!

Love Your Families...Love Your Animals!


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